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A member of the parsley family, its most impressive characteristic is its massive size. It reaches a height of 10 to 15 feet when in flower and has hollow stems, 2 to 4 inches in diameter with dark reddish-purple spots and bristles. Coarse white hairs at the base of the leaf stalk are also purplish, and each purple spot surrounds a blister-based hair.The deeply incised compound leaves grow up to 5 feet in width. Giant hogweed flowers from mid-May through to July, with numerous white flowers clustered in an umbrella-shaped head that is up to 2.5 feet in diameter across its flat top.
Giant Hogweed is originally from Asia and was introduced as an ornamental plant. It is similar in appearance to the Cow Parsnip. It is much larger than the Cow Parsnip and has small hairs on the underneath of the leaf. The Giant Hogweed is a public health hazard due to its clear, watery
The plant produces flattened, 3/8-inch long, oval dry fruits that have a broadly rounded base and broad marginal ridges. Hogweed prefers moist soil and can quickly dominate rivers or canal banks.
sap that has toxins which can cause photo-dermatitis. The skin that has been in contact with the stem followed by exposure to sunlight produces painful, burning blisters that may develop into purplish or blackened scars.